My Family

Dad : Ahmad Kay Soon Poh
           He's the computer genius in the family. Learnt everything on his own. 
           He's a Harbour Pilot in (guess what???) PSA (my company!!!).

           Yeah, he's the reason why I'm Chinese!!!
Mom : Siti Kalsom a.k.a. Supiah
             My mom is very good at baking cakes & cooking. Everyone loves
             the cakes she bakes. Should open her own cake shop!!!
Brothers : Ayyub Kay Chein Hsin
The older of my 2 younger brothers. He's 19 this year and is pretty good footballer.
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Ismail Kay Jianming a.k.a. Ming
Hey!!! This is the 'devil' of the house man!!! Once he gets to know you, he has the ability to irritate you to death!!! This is how my youngest brother got so notorious. He's a terror for a boy who's only 12 this year. Visit his webpage at
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